Meaning of Shakyamuni Mantra

Guru Rinpoche, Lama Tsongkhapa, Buddha Shakyamuni, Fire-Hoved Mahakala, Dorje Shugden, Palden Lhamo og Dorje Drolo.

Lama Michel Rinpoche, May 1st 2020, Milan, Italy (edited)

“Panchen Lamaen sagde en gang til mig, at det var nemt at være en lama i Østen, fordi kulturen var sådan, at man var respekteret, fik offergaver osv. De rigtige helte var folk som Lama Gangchen som tog til Vesten, hvor man ikke fra start havde traditionel respekt. F.eks. da Rinpoche kom til Vesten startede han med healing af mennesker, f.eks. med at puste på deres krop. Det syntes folk var mærkelig, og de sagde lidt respektløst: det kan jeg også, og de pustede tilbage. Men ugen efter kom de igen og bad om at blive pustet på igen !

Rinpoche saw quickly that people did not love themselves and did not believe in themselves, so how could they love and believe in a guru? He started by teaching them only Shakyamuni's Mantra, OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNI SHAKYAMUNI SOHA, so much so that some people came to call him “One-Mantra-Lama”.

But this mantra has incredibly deep meanings.

OM is a union of three sounds, a o ma, representing the body, speech and mind. It also represent the gross, subtle and very subtle mind.

MUNI means capacity, so Capacity, Capacity

MAHA MUNI means Great Capacity

SHAKYA MUNI means the capable one of the Shakyas, that is Supreme Capacity

SOHA means So be it.

The first capacity is: love yourself ! We know some things are good for us, some things are bad for us. Choose what's good for you and discard what's bad for you. Both habits, things, emotions, food, and even sometimes people. Every day, remove one bad thing, add one good thing. Abandon what is harmful and cultivate what is beneficial.

The second capacity is: love others ! Be a real dharma practitioner, and not an actor. One day we will be dead, much sooner than we think. Help others ! Not by being a helper (that is the ego: I’m a big helper), but by helping. Reciting is important, meditating is important, but much more important is helping others.

The Great Capacity relates to seeing reality correctly, emptiness.

Supreme Capacity is Vajrayana's capacity: transforming the five negative emotions into the five wisdom consciousnesses and the five impure elements into the five pure ones.

Tro på dig selv ! Den eneste grund til at de utrolig store Guruer er der og arbejder så hårdt for os, er fordi DE tror på os. Hvis sådanne store væsener tror på os, bør vi så ikke også tro på os selv? Hvis de ikke troede på os, blev de i deres hule for at meditere. Ha’ en slags stolthed, uden arrogance, at du har mødt denne fantastisk store guru: du har alt det du har brug for, redskaberne, velsignelserne, eksemplerne. Tro på dig selv, og gør Rinpoche stolt af os.”

LMR, 01/05/2020