Rinpoche's work: Body, Speech and Mind

Lama Gangchen Rinpoche

Lama Michel Rinpoche, Kunpen Lama Gangchen, Milan, Italy, 29. april 2020

Rinpoches liv i Vesten kan opdeles i perioder på 10 år. Han dedikerede de første ti år i Vesten til kroppen (ca. 1981-1991), hvor Han healede mange mennesker. Men i stedet for, at mennesker bare skulle heales af lamaen, ventende på hver gang lamaen kom forbi, ville Han gerne lære mennesker, hvordan de kunne heale sig selv.

Så de næste ti år brugte han på talen (ca. 1992-2002), hvor han underviste os i Ngalso Tantrisk Selv-Healing og utrolig mange andre forskellige buddhistiske praksisser.

Det næste årti blev brugt på sindet (ca. 2003-2012), hvor han tog hans disciple ved hånden for at vise, hvordan man lavede disse praksisser. Næsten som en børnehavelærer, som viser børnene, hvad der er undervist, ved at gøre det sammen.

Nu er børnene ved at være mere modne, hvor de selv kan gøre tingene. Det er vores ansvar at praktisere, hvad Rinpoche har lært og vist os, og give det videre.

LMR, 29/4/2020

How to find the reincarnation of a lama?

Based on a video, where Lama Michel Rinpoche answers questions, December 4th 2019

"When we die, there is something that continues. From my understanding, what continues, is the deepest aspect of ourselves. Even in this life, since we were very small kids, as we grow up and get older, there is some part of us that continues. When we know someone really well, and have the sensibility to look at a person, and to know the deepest aspects of their character, of the person, we can see the specific characteristics of the character, of the person, independently of the age, of the time, independent of the context. Once I know you really well, once I know the subtle aspects of your self, imagine that I could recognize you in another body. When we die, we lose the body, the gross aspects, our knowledge etc, but the deeper aspect of the self continues from life to life. So if I know you well enough and I have the sensibility to recognize the deeper aspects of your self, then I can recognize you in another body.

So when a lama dies, the person who has the responsibility to recognize the reincarnation are the people most near to him. It is very sensitive, very deep, it goes very much beyond words, it cannot be put into conceptual understanding, there is no step 1, step 2, step 3, and it is not based on external tests. There are things that are done to recognize lama’s, from external signs, to dreams and so on, but the most important thing for the ones who are searching, is to see on the deepest level the same qualities, the same characteristics, the same person.

Why do we look for the reincarnation of our masters? Each and every one of us, when we are reborn, we take with us our qualities and our faults, like seeds in our subtle mind, our mental continuum, the imprints of our character. When we are born, these are like seeds in a field, waiting for the right conditions to ripen. So if we give a child certain conditions, certain seeds will ripen. That’s why it is so important in Tibetan Buddhism, when someone is reborn with such high qualities, to recognize them, so that we make sure they are given the best conditions for these seeds to ripen. That is the mean reason. The other reason is that the greatest qualities we are looking for in someone to guide us spiritually is not knowledge, but truly love and wisdom. And the deepest state of love and wisdom is something than can be taken from life to life. It is not something that you can gain by study, not something that you can gain by experience, but by an inner process of realization, which can be taken from life to life."

LMR, 04/12/2019

Lama Kyen

Lama Kyen

Lama khyen, lama khyen, drinchen tsawei lama khyen
Lama khyen, lama khyen, kyabne kundu lama khyen

All-knowing Lama, think of me ! Wise lama, think of me! Unthinkably kind lama, think of me ! Lama, think of me ! Lama, think of me ! Lama, embodiment of all refuge objects, think of me !